About Me

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Hi I'm Omar Villarreal, I graduated from Montwood High School 2009. I was suppose to graduate in 2010 but I wanted to graduate early. I've lived in El Paso all my life and enjoy being a part of the community.I'm a student at the University of Texas at El Paso. I've decided to major in Chemistry after I changed it from microbiology. I'm currently working on my basics and wish to transfer to UT Austin to continue my education. The purpose of this blog is to inform my former colleagues about marijuana its legalization, medical use, reform laws, and its chemistry. Hope you guys enjoy my work!

PSA Announcement & Memo

Link for PSA: http://vimeo.com/17395739

PSA Announcement Memo
Ricardo Marrufo
English 1311
 My topic is on Cannabis also referred as marijuana, pot, weed, dro, and Reggie etc. Marijuana is one of the most popular drugs out there.  The cause of this drugs popularity is because it’s very abundant and very accessible for people. Also many people get influenced to try this drug by their brother’s, sister, friends, parents, society, musicians, artist etc. There could be many reasons why someone would try marijuana but it’s usually your own curiousness about the drug. I believed that in this century the population is well informed about the drug and its consequences. And if your not I bet there is someone who knows quite well about the drug, or there’s also websites, books, and many resources to investigate the drug. I also believe that this drug is literally taking over the town, why? You may ask, well because literally most of the people I know have done weed in his or her lifetime. But I also know people who’ve never done it and never plan on trying it. I believe the decision of trying marijuana can’t be blamed on society, friends and all sorts of things but on you. I think it just depends on your values and morals, by that I mean the way you were brought up in your family, and also your beliefs, whether you would like to try this drug to experiment or plainly just for fun. I myself don’t have nothing against this drug and believe it should be legalized, because it can help boost our economy, stop paying taxes on reform laws and use that money for something that we actually need. Marijuana can actually provide the following things fuel, food, shelter, medicine, and clothing. But like I said earlier there are also a lot of people against the drug and its purpose of its existence.
            I choose this topic because I am very interested in the different point of views of this drug and what it can do for society, not only in the community but nation wide. One of the most challenging part of this project was actually constructing the public service announcement because like I said I believe that marijuana should be legalized but I also have to respect others opinions and kind of have to give a biased video. The only problems that I encountered in this experiment were conveying a message in my public service announcement about the drug, and I had some technology problems as well. My systematic approach to this problem was neutral because I want to respect other people’s opinions and just provide the audience with some statistical data about the drug. I choose the Gypsy song by Bonobo because I wanted to create a neutral environment. And it went well with the video. I believed that the design was very easy to do and it fitted perfect with the music. Plus I wanted something neutral so that it won’t cause attention to the graphics but the information. In conclusion I’ve learned many new things about the drug and hope to provide more information to people who don’t know about it.